Rabab Prampra Academy

Delve into The Divine & Cultural Sweetness of music

Learn Authentic and Sophisticated Art of Stringed Instrument -Rabab & Dilruba from Anywhe​re in The World

with Bhai Mahabeer Singh
(Hazoori Ragi, Shri Darbar Sa​hib Amritsar)

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"One of The Most Revered Rabab Player of India."

Being a Hazoori Raagi at Darbar Sahib, Amritsar; Bhai Mahabeer Singh is very wee known for his art of Tanti Saj. His love for music has got him m any a lot of respect and accolades on various international stages. He believes music to be the most divine medium to gain self-awarness and wants to spread the same cultural awareness across the globe.

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Bhai Mahabeer Singh representing Rabab Prampra Academy
Bhai Mahabeer Singh practicing rabab
Alnum of Bhai Mahabeer Singh

Music Instruments

Dhad Dhad
Dilruba Dilruba
Harmonium Harmonium
Rabab Rabab
Jori Jori
Taus Taus